Homework (5-10 numbers) is due every Monday
The homework is the most important part of the course. No matter how
well you think you understand the material presented in class, you won't
really learn it until you do the problems. Late homework will not be accepted
except in very unusual circumstances. We will, however, drop the lowest
homework and quiz grade. You are free to devise whatever strategy for learning
the material suits you best. This may involve collaboration with other students.
We believe, however, that most people will get the maximum benefit from
the homework if they try hard to do all the problems themselves before consulting
others. In any case, whatever you turn in should represent your own solution,
expressed in your own words, even if this solution was arrived at with help
from someone else. Remember, you are doing the homework in order to learn
the material; don't try to defeat the purpose of it. Do not get behind your
work. As a guide, consider spending 2 hours of your time studying for each
hour of class time. On a test you must be able to work the problems
within the period of time allowed. Therefore, it is recommended, as part
of your preparation for each test , that you select 8 to 10 problems
and try to work them within a period of one hour. The quizzes will consist
of 2-3 problems usually selected from the problems assigned as homework.
Success in the course is highly correlated with regular attendance and punctual
completion of homework. The homework assignment sheet lists the due dates
for each assignment. Homework should be written neatly. When explanations
are requested, your answers should be written in good English form. Once
each week, usually on Thursdays, you will submit a "Homework Report",
consisting of your work on about ten exercises selected from the most recent
two or three daily assignments. For the week of an exam, you will submit
the Homework Report on Tuesday. The list of exercises for the homework report
is in the homework assignment sheet. If you include more exercises than
listed, please circle the official exercises that are due. Only selected
exercises on your homework report will be graded. If you visit the office
of your instructor or TA , please bring your homework reports with you.
We can help you better when we see how your homework is written.
At the top of each homework report, write your name, section number, the
date, and the homework report number. The papers must be stapled or placed
in a binder. Loose papers cannot be accepted. Also, late homework reports
will not be accepted. If you expect to miss a recitation class, you may
give your report to a classmate to turn in. A missing report counts as zero,
unless it is excused and not counted. If you fail to submit a report on
time, please write a note to your TA that explains the circumstances. If
the TA or Instructor feels that the excuse is reasonable (such as for illness
or participation in university athletics), the report will be "excused"
and not counted. One homework report (with the lowest grade) for each student
will be dropped automatically, in addition to reports, if any, that have
been excused. Most reports will be graded on the basis of 10 or 15 points,
depending on the amount of material covered by the assignment. At the end
of the semester, your total score will be converted to a percentage and
a homework grade. Ask our TA ---- Chris Zagrodny czagrodny1@student.gsu.e |
Section 1.1 |
2,10,12,18,22 are due 01/28 |
Section 1.2 |
2b,8,18,24,30 are due 01/28 |
Section 1.3 |
10,12,18,20,22 are due 02/2 |
Section 1.4 |
4,8,12,18,26,30,36 are due 02/2 |
Section 1.5 |
4,8,14,18,25,36 |
Section 1.7 |
6,16,22,24,32 |
Section 2.1 |
2,6,10,16,22,28 |
Section 2.2 |
4,6,8,14,20,26,32,38 |
Section 2.3 |
2,4,8,12,20,30,34,40 |
Section 3.1 |
2,10,16,24,38,41 |
Section 3.2 |
2,4,10,16,22,26,29,31,40 |
Section 4.1 |
4,8,14,18,25,36,40,46 |
Section 4.2 |
4,6,8,14,20,26,32,38,34 |
Section 4.3 |
2,4,8,12,20,26,28,30,32 |
Section 4.4 |
2,4,8,12,20,22,26,32,34 |
Section 4.5 |
2,4,8,12,18,20,22,26,30,32 |
Section 4.6 |
2,4,8,12,16,14,20,30,32,34 |
Section 4.9 |
2,4,8,12,18,20,24,26,34 |